Its founder, Thi Lien Mai, suffered with melasma for many years. She lost her confidence, stopped looking after herself and gained weight. It was when she was in a changeroom and saw her appearance in a mirror that she resolved to change her life. This marked the start of Lien’s health and skincare journey
After spending thousands of dollars on different products at different clinics, Lien discovered what ingredients worked for her and she managed to free herself of melasma, bringing back her youthful confidence. She wanted others to be able to feel as confident as she now felt, without spending so much money. And so the idea for Dermalyana was born.
Through her knowledge gained as a qualified beauty therapist at the Australian College of Beauty, and by using Specialist Researchers, products were developed with ingredients proven to truly make a difference to the skin.
Our business started in Perth, Western Australia in 2017 with the aim of boosting confidence in its users to make them happy in their own skin. All products are Australian Made and Owned.
When Lien was overweight, she searched for help and became a distributor for several weight management brands. Years later, she worked with the Rogers Healthcare team to develop the formula for Lean and Curvy. These capsules aim to help weight loss by naturally removing dietary fat. Lean and Curvy has helped many customers lose weight naturally. It is listed with the TGA (Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration.)
Good causes
Our founder and management have visited and financially supported school and university students, orphans, underprivileged children and the elderly, ‘children health’ funds, Covid victims, natural disaster victims, medical treatment and hospitalised expenses, education for children-in-need in third world countries and Australia.